
Our Mission

The mission of Atmospheres for Spaces, is to transform homes and workplaces with tailored contemporary art that is simple, beautiful and meaningful.

Our artwork covers a wide range of subject matter, from breathtaking landscapes and iconic landmarks to astronomical objects, pop culture symbols and styles and retro iconography.

The Desirability of Simplicity

We learn to recognize shapes, objects and concepts as children through simplistic representations—basic drawings, primary colours, bold shapes. This highly effective mode of learning and communication persists into adulthood.

We are surrounded (saturated, even) in the modern world by icons, symbols and brand marks that all share the same goal: devolving complexity into the most simple and effective forms of communication designed to capture our attention and communicate ideas within increasingly thin slices of time in a frenetic world.

We are, in short, highly sophisticated parsers and interpreters of representative information.

Our Style

At Atmospheres for Spaces, we aim to capture and portray this essence of simplicity in our artistic style. We subtract the detail and the complexity found in traditional artistic representation like brush strokes and texture, form and depth, and translate them into broad, simplistic forms—geometric shapes, parallel lines and basic Euclidian elements.

Where we reduce forms to their essence, we in turn strongly emphasise the interplay of precise colour palettes. Colour tells a very large part of the story of almost any artwork; people are highly attuned to the juxtaposition of colours, and can often sense or feel form by colour alone.

Image 1 - A LEGO advertisment for a very famous family, reduced to a few bricks. Can you tell who they are…?

By reducing forms to their essential elements and shapes, we create artwork with clean lines and simple that capture an almost impressionistic mood of a scene that are recognisable, modern, and can seamlessly inhabit and compliment any living space.

This minimalist or reductionist approach highlights the beauty of simplicity in all that is around us, and reminds us of the aesthetic power of iconic imagery.

To ensure each piece perfectly fits your space and personal taste, we offer a bespoke creation process. To get started, click the a link below.

Additional Resources

Size Guide

Visit our size guide to select the perfect size canvas or print frames we have for your space